“Im not a liar…” Dave was telling them as they pushed him towards the airlock.


“Stop lying you bastard. Give me my money back!” 


“I’m telling you, Mitch, you got it all wrong.” Dave was scratching his ear “The Hauler guy, Vito, he got us both, can’t you see?”


“Stop lying! Give it back, now or you’re gonna be a meat popsicle!” he placed a firm hand on the airlock release and shoved Dave to the far side of the airlock. 


“But I can’t get it from inside the airlock, Mitch. Calm down and we’ll get our money together. Call the station customs office, there might be time to grab Vito, before he takes off again, eh?” Dave was wiping the blood of his mouth with his sleeve.


“No, you’re lying! Where is it? My money and my cargo? WHERE?” Mitch was foaming at the mouth, patience gone and hand pulling the airlock lever. However, a shock paddle hit him in the back, his goons got some security treatment as well. Station security had arrived. Everyone got a customary beating and a first-class ticket for the brig, but Dave arrived to his cozy cell, he got pulled into an office of the station’s chief security officer. 


“Chief Graham! I had the situation under control, but I appreciate you stepping in. I got the money so we can finish our deal!” said Dave as he sat down on a small flimsy chair in front of the big desk. 


Behind the desk, barely looking over was the short stature of the balding Chief of security.


“Listen here you lying slimeball, I’m done with this place, I’m getting my man to sign me out. I want out of this hellhole, you hear? I’m done with you, I’m done with scheming” he was mumbling, trying to convince himself most of all. Finger pointed, he stood up “Sign my cargo contract or I’ll make sure you rot here forever!” 

“What cargo contract?” Dave leaned on to the desk, conveniently over the handcuff keys. 


“Don’t play dumb, slick, the one we discussed. My retirement package. Our deal!” 


Dave leaned back “Ah, yeah, that one! Look, Chief, funny story…” he scratched an ear “I got a better offer! You’re not gonna believe this.”


“You’re right, I won’t! Don’t bullshit me, accept my contract! I got to go, my papers are on this table, I’m out I tell you! I’m not even waiting for the stupid mandated shuttle to come later this week, I booked passage with Vito and I’m leaving now. Accept the contract!”


“Chief, you’re not hearing me, come on. I got a better deal for you because of that dope Mitch! Check this contract, but be sure to accept it quick since I they might pull it back or withdraw it somehow… Sending the contract now. See the bigger number, Chief? I told you…” 


Graham glanced at the new contract. All the right elements were there, his cargo and the large sum 300mil for the lot. Dave had made a typo. A mistake! The cargo itself is worth no more than 30 mil. He signed the contract hastily over the NeoCom and accepted the subsequent warnings. The Chief watched in horror as his ISK wallet was drained of 300 mil and his cargo disappeared, reassigned to Dave’s hold. By the time the shock dissipated and he realized what has happened, cuffs were already on the floor and Dave was flying out with his legally owned booked passage (part of the contract). ‘YOU LIAR AND CHEAT.’ Came the expected messages. ‘Yes, yes I am’ though Dave as he grinned. 

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